This page is in response to numerous email requests for information on how to go about building or opening a drive-in theatre. In replying to this email, I presented instructions and information on the business and provided industry contacts to a great number of people, only to never hear from them again. A lot of time and effort was spent with these inquiries without as much as an acknowledgement from any of the recipients. Even though it was not in my best interest to continue this practice, I did not wish to disappoint anyone genuinely interested in such information.

However, as the requests for information became more numerous, and coupled with the uncertainty of knowing whether a particular party was serious or not, I decided email was not the proper vehicle to exchange this information. It didn't take long to realize that it would save everyone a tremendous amount of time if I just built a web site with all the pertinent information, photos and diagrams. People can access it as they desire and can "cut to the chase". It would also prove interesting to those with only a passing curiousity in drive-in theatres or in the drive-in era.

I also present this site as a service to my friends operating the numerous drive-in fan pages on the net, to satisfy their many requests for specialized information.

Tim Reed